I had the pleasure of meeting and photographing Adrian. Adrian works in IT and is a super smart, handsome young man!
Adrian loves nature and recently started rowing on the Saugatuck River at the Saugatuck Rowing and Fitness Club.
Normally, he should have no problem meeting a nice woman! However, after getting through a Covid year on top of the difficulty of meeting young people in the suburbs of Westport, Connecticut, it is not an easy task! I give him credit for reaching out and hiring a professional head shot photographer to help him out. He understands the importance of great photos especially in our times of constant cell phone use and high speed living.
We met outside of Starbucks in Westport, Ct and proceeded to photograph at various scenic spots along the Saugatuck River near the Westport Library and Main Street. We also went down to Longshore Park which normally can be quite crowded this time of year being the home of the Inn at Longshore, Pearl Restaurant and the town of Westport's golf, pool and tennis courts. We captured some additional photos down there.
Best of luck to Adrian!!